Kenburn Slider
Kenburn Slider module is header animated for joomla 2.5 and joomla 3.x.
Unlimited slices.
Title, text info and link as popup or same page.
Header height at your choice.
Stop Banner Timet at Hover on Slide: on off
2 Shadow types or none.
Navigation Type; Bullets, thumbs or none.
Arrow position; Next to bullets, vertical-center or none.
Navigation type: square, round, navbar.
Animation Speed selector: from 5 sec till 20 sec.
Effects for each slide are: Random, boxfade, boxslide, slotslide-horizontal, slotslide-vertical, curtain-1, curtain-2, curtain-3, slotzoom-horizontal, slotzoom-vertical, slotfade-horizontal, slotfade-vertical, fade, slideleft, slideup, slidedown, slideright, slidehorizontal, slidevertical, papercut, 3dcurtain-horizontal, 3dcurtain-vertical, cubic and flyin.